P.O. Box 849, 204 S. Linden Street, Jackson Center, OH 45334-0849 | Phone: 937-596-6053 | Fax: 937-596-6490

Announcements - February 3, 2025

Show Choir: The Show Choir has rehearsal after school Monday and Tuesday this week from 3-4:30pm. Please see Miss Leasure if you are unable to attend.


Concessions: The following students are scheduled to work the concession stand on February 4: Kyle Burch, Brody Gross, Eli Prenger, and Brendan Serr. Please arrive by 5:45 with a parent.


Camp Counselors: Any Junior or Senior interested in being a counselor for the 6th grade trip to Camp Willson can pick up an application from the office, Mrs. Meyer, Mrs.Shuster or Mrs. Kipker.  Completed applications are due on February 14th.


Fine Arts Night: The 8th annual Fine Arts Exhibition will be on February 13th from 6pm–8pm in the school. Student art and writings will cover the hallways and performances will be held all over the building. This event is hosted and sponsored by the Tiger Notes and Strokes boosters, and 100% of the proceeds benefit the students of the visual and performing arts here at Jackson Center. Tickets are $10 each and students’ 4th grade and under are free with a paying adult. The Reverse Raffle is back, purchasing a pre-sale ticket will enter you in the Reverse Raffle. Presale tickets are on sale now in the office! All are invited and encouraged to attend!


FFA Ag Fact: February is National Cherry Month…all the Ag Facts for the month in February will be based around cherries. The average cherry tree produces 7,000 cherries 

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